Record/Replay Saphyrion GDARS™

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High-Performance Record/Playback System


For signal studies and GNSS application testing in a real environment, then the capture of real-world signals, with the ability to replay them time and time again is a valuable capability.

Record and Replay is a great way to understand the real-world operation of GNSS Applications.

For the record and replay of GNSS signals, Heedra can offer the advanced Saphyrion GDARS™.

The Saphyrion GDARS™ has the ability to record up to 4 GNSS signals bands, each at 50MHz bandwidth, with up to 8 bits depth, simultaneously, together with a great easy to use user interface, the Saphyrion GDARS™ offers class leading capability in a neat package that offers incredible value.

Download the Datasheet

We’re here to help. If you need more information regarding the Saphyrion GDARS™ or you would like to discuss your testing requirements with one of our specialists, get in touch.