We are a distributor and consultancy providing specialist GNSS products and services to engineers, researchers and staff across multiple industry sectors including Defence, Aerospace, Satellite and Space.
We are a distributor and consultancy providing specialist GNSS products and services to engineers, researchers and staff across multiple industry sectors including Defence, Aerospace, Satellite and Space.
For signal studies and GNSS application testing in a real environment, then the capture of real-world signals, with the ability to replay them time and time again is a valuable capability.
Record and Replay is a great way to understand the real-world operation of GNSS Applications.
For the record and replay of GNSS signals, Heedra can offer the advanced Saphyrion GDARS™.
The Saphyrion GDARS™ has the ability to record up to 4 GNSS signals bands, each at 50MHz bandwidth, with up to 8 bits depth, simultaneously, together with a great easy to use user interface, the Saphyrion GDARS™ offers class leading capability in a neat package that offers incredible value.
Download the Datasheet
We’re here to help. If you need more information regarding the Saphyrion GDARS™ or you would like to discuss your testing requirements with one of our specialists, get in touch.